Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answer for that

What do I need to open an account?

Before you can make your first investment, you must have your identity verified, prove your residency, and deposit money into your account. This process is necessary to comply with the European AML/CFT regulations, which ensure that we do not have any fraudulent activities on our platform.

For identity verification, you will need a copy of your passport or ID card and proof of residency. Your documents can be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese.

You must also read and agree to our Terms and Conditions and all attachments, including the Terms and Conditions of Mangopay, our wallet provider.

Can I open more than one investment account?

Currently you can only have one investment account with Moniflo. If you wish to have multiple accounts, let us know on our feature board.

Can I open a joint account?

Currently we only offer individual accounts on the Moniflo platform. All investments should be made in your own name and not in the name of another person. If you wish to have a joint account, let us know on our feature board.

What types of proof of residency do you accept?

We accept utility bills such as electricity, gas, water, landline telephone, broadband or TV bills with details of consumption.

We also accept certificates of residence such as property tax bills, confirmations from local authorities regarding the residential address and tax returns.

Cell phone bills, bank statements and RIB are not admissible as proof of residence.

All documents submitted as proof of residence must be dated within the last 3 months.

All proofs of residence are in my partner's name. Are there other alternatives to proof of residence?

You can provide a document issued in your name, such as your ID card, and a letter signed by your spouse confirming that you live at the same address.

What documents do you accept as proof of the origin of my funds?

In some cases, we may need to ask you for proof of the origin of the money you will invest on the Moniflo platform. These should show how you acquired the money you are going to invest and can be proven by submitting several documents.

Relevant documents include employment letters or contracts with salary details, salary or pension statements (dated within the last 6 months), income tax certificates, inheritance documents showing the amount inherited, deeds of purchase and sale of real estate, contracts for the sale of other assets, evidence of portfolio growth or trading gains at another institution, bank statements and certificates of tax refunds.

I have received a request to update my documents or information. Why do I need to do this?

We are required by law to keep our records up to date to prevent fraudulent activity on our platform.

To do this, we need to make sure that all of your identification documents are still valid. If we find out that your documents are expiring, we will contact you and ask you to provide the latest version.