Frequently asked questions

We have the answer for that

Once I am eligible, how long will it take to receive my reward?
  1. It can take up to 24 hours or one business day for your reward to appear in your account.

Can I invest any amount to get my reward?
  1. You must deposit at least €500 into your wallet and use these funds to make an investment.

Can I choose the fund?
  1. No, the funds are allocated to you at random.

Can I sell the fund?
  1. You can sell your fund, but you must keep the value of the rewarded fund in your account for 12 months.

I did all the steps within the allotted time, but there was a problem
  1. Contact and we will try to help you.

What do I have to do to get my reward?
  1. You must be a new Moniflo customer.
  2. You must complete the registration and verify your identity (KYC).
  3. You must top up your wallet with at least €500.
  4. You must make an investment in the Moniflo app in a fund of your choice.
  5. You must do all this within 14 days of installing the app.